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Doble superior. Our Adarve room assimilates the name of the alleys that lead to private houses in medieval Islamic cities. Located on the first floor of the hotel, it is arranged in a single 26m2 space in which the original hydraulic floor from the 19th century and the old wooden ceilings are preserved as a carpet. It has a seating area, two balconies facing the majestic central patio of the Madinat hotel and a comfortable bathroom with glass walls and a rain-effect shower.

"Terminaba una calle estrella y blanca, y a un lado y otro se abrían otras, igualmente estrechas, blancas y silenciosas."

Pío Baroja. Escritor (1905)



Doble superior. Our Alcazaba room is named after the Arab citadel, al-qasbah, which served as the residence of the emir or caliph. With high ceilings and upper windows, this 27m2 room preserves the original hydraulic floors from the 19th century as a tapestry. It offers a bedroom and a living area with a sofa that can be converted into a comfortable bed to accommodate a third person, all in the same environment. Glass walls and a rain effect shower are the stars of the bathroom.

"Hubo un tiempo, en el que rechazaba a mi prójimo si su fe no era la mía. Ahora mi corazón es capaz de adoptar todas las formas: es un prado para las gacelas y un claustro para los monjes cristianos, templo para los ídolos y la Kaaba para los peregrinos, es recipiente para las tablas de la Torá y los versos del Corán. Porque mi religión es el Amor. Da igual a dónde vaya la caravana del amor, su camino es la senda de mi fe."

Ibn Arabi. Poeta y filosofo (siglo XII)



Doble superior. Our Alhóndiga room is named after the buildings where ancient Andalusian travelers stayed. On the ceiling, a prominent wooden beam reminds us of the firmness over the centuries; on the floor, original hexagonal hydraulics from the 19th century compete to stand out in a continuous space of 23m2, where the bedroom and living room coexist and where the sofa becomes a comfortable bed, ideal for accommodating a third person. The spacious bathroom is part of a whole, only interfered by glass walls.

"Hasta tal punto se parecen estas casas a las antiguas de Egipto, que yo creí estar recorriendo una de los viejos barrios de El Cairo."

Muhammad Farid. Viajero egipcio (1901)


Ras Lain

Doble superior. Our Ras Lain room takes its name from an Arabic toponym whose literal translation is "head of the fountain", the name of a remote Moroccan town with which the Hotel Madinat feels twinned. Arranged in a single space of 23m2, it preserves the original hydraulic floor from the 19th century. It offers a bedroom and a living area in the same room and has a large glass-walled bathroom with a rain-effect shower.

"La fuente, que es la niña mimada de la casa, y canta sin descanso. Y arriba, las alcobas, oh, qué gratos refugios de frescor! Nizar Qabbani."

Poeta sirio (1923-1998)

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